Summer Camp Registration

Registration for our 2025 summer camps is NOW OPEN. For more information, please visit our summer camp page. Click HERE to register!

Beaver Creek Reserve FAQs

Look below for answers to common questions our nature staff receives about our nature reserve.

Q:I found an injured / orphaned / distressed animal, what do I do?


Unfortunately Beaver Creek Reserve does not have the license to take in animals.

Birds & Animals – Wildlife Rehabilitation & Release:
715-832-1462 run by Patti Stangel E9356 830th Ave. Colfax

Animals (Not birds) – Chippewa Valley Wildlife Rehabilitation:
715-838-0326 run by Elise Bauer 8135 Burnell Dr. Eau Claire.

Q:Can I bring my dog with me?


While we love all animals, unfortunately Fido is not allowed on Beaver Creek trails (although service dogs are always welcome). As a nature reserve, we are dedicated to providing a safe place for animals and plants of all kinds. Many of the birds and small mammals that call BCR home, can be scared or injured by dogs.

Q:How do I know if I placed my donation or program registration succesfully?


Once you have submitted your order, you will receive an email confirming donation or program registration.

Q:Can I change or cancel my program registration after I have submitted it?


Once your program registration is submitted, we cannot guarantee that it can be canceled or changed. If you realize you made a mistake or simply change your mind, please call Beaver Creek Reserve. We will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Q:Will Beaver Creek Reserve sell my email address or other personal information?


No. We only use personal information provided on order forms, such as a purchaser's name, email address, and physical address to keep track of event registration.

Q:How can I help BCR?


Beaver Creek Reserve is always looking for dedicated citizens to donate their time, talents, services, or materials. As a 501c3 non-profit monetary donations are tax deductible.